It was pretty cold this past weekend, but not cold enough to stop neighbor Tommy Routh from continuing with his annual "pig picking" for friends and neighbors at Goat Lady Dairy in Grays Chapel. A 200 pound free range hog raised by his son-in-law Bobby, split in half and cooked slow for about 15 hours until the meat falls off the bones. This is the "whole hog", with a choice of ham, shoulder, rib and tenderloin. I'm primarily a vegetarian these days, but I freely admit I did have to try some. Excellent.

1 comment:
Great shots Dan. I have to admit that I have been missing the grill. I looked longingly at my Webers last weekend knowing I had some frozen filets, but decided to wimp out because it was too cold I'm a humbled carnivore (and a hungry one) after seeing these folks.
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