My Grandfather's old wheelbarrow leans against the wall of the grainery in our barnyard.

If you have been following this blog, and I hope you have, you may notice that I have been shooting a lot lately near my home in Gray's Chapel and my studio in Old Greensboro. I would love to be able to share images with you from Venice, or Scotland, or Yosemite, or even the Outer Banks of North Carolina, but unfortunately, no one has been willing or able to pay me to go to those places lately, so I am spending a lot of time close to home. This has actually been sort of inspiring. I have begun to see that there is a world of things to shoot just outside my door. The wheelbarrow is less than a hundred yards from my deck. My neighbors provide an ample supply of characters for portraits.
I've had a lot of downtime lately (ie, no jobs), so instead of sitting around and waiting for the phone to ring, I'm making an effort (and it is an effort in slow times) to produce images of what's around me. Must be the anthropologist in me coming out. The worst thing a photographer can do is not shoot, so I'm shooting what I have, and it's fun. Comments are welcome.

I love these shots, Dad. I hope you can get something worked out with the gallery down the street.
Maybe I should learn to be an artisan framer so I can encourage more of a gallery presence.
Your biggest admirer,
Thanks son.
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