If you have an interest in poetry or prose, please take a few minutes and check out my son Devin's poetry blog. I think you will find it worth reading.
Commercial, Advertising & Editorial Photographer • Greensboro, North Carolina • Studio & Location • Musings by a Starving Artist
Friday, November 28, 2008
Model A Ford... Barn Find?

I went out one afternoon with the intention to buy some chickens, and stopped by a local man's home/business. He did indeed have chickens, but while I was there, he also offered to show me part of his old car collection. He opened the door to small garage and I saw the scene above. To the right of this car was another door with a similar vehicle behind it. I've always heard stories about barn finds, although I guess you would have to call this a garage find.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Winter Cabin

It's cold here in Greensboro. Seems like colder than normal for late November. But, we aren't quite as wintery yet as some other places in the country. Above is a shot from Jenny Lake in the Grand Tetons in Wyoming. It's pretty, but I don't know if I would be up to that kind of winter.
Happy Thanksgiving to all who visit this blog. Times are tough, but I am thankful for my family, for what I have and for what I've done, and I am cautiously optimistic about our future. For now, I will try to just keep on shooting.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
ASMP-NC Presents Bob Krist

ASMP/North Carolina is proud to present the incomparable Bob Krist on Friday, December 5. Bob is coming to Burlington, North Carolina to speak on five challenges on the road. For those who don't know, Bob, as a former actor, is quite a stage presence, has a wonderful sense of humor, and is an amazing photographer and speaker. You have probably seen his photographs in just about any travel magazine there is. And for those who are interested, he will be presenting a program over the weekend for Outdoor Photographer targeted to the amateur audience.
Space is limited to the first 75 people who register, so please fill out the registration form to ensure seating. Payment can be made at the door. For more information, as well as for the registration form, please go to:
Phi Beta Kappa

It's just a tiny little key, barely an inch long if that, but what it lacks in size, it makes up in importance for a proud dad. Yesterday my son Devin joined his brother Tristan in being inducted into the Alpha Chapter at the University of North Carolina, of Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest academic honor society in the United States. Two sons and two keys, which they both earned by their own hard work and study. Pardon me for dwelling on my kids, but I can't help it. As parents we always want our children to do better than we do, and mine have. Congratulations Devin, I'm so very proud of you.

Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanksgiving is Coming Up

Thanksgiving is coming up this week and I will finally get a couple of days at home with the family and farm. I need to catch up on a lot of things, sleep, firewood and the like. In honor of the holiday I posted the shot above. My neighbors at Goat Lady Dairy raise a few free range heritage-variety turkeys each year. Not so sure they (the turkeys) are looking forward to Thursday, though. Of course, they don't have much to worry at my house now, because we're pretty much vegetarian except for dairy, eggs and the occasional fish. And this from a farm with a pasture full of cattle.
Friday, November 21, 2008
November Snow

When I woke up this morning, I was greeted by a sight we in the Greensboro area of North Carolina are not used to. Snow in November. Granted, it was just a little bit, but this is North Carolina and this is November, and it isn't even Thanksgiving yet. Guess that as our economy heads south around here, our weather is going with it. I must admit it was rather pretty. So what does all this mean? Early winter then early spring or just a really long winter? Hope it's the former.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Photo Assistant

Producing a large photo shoot, which is what we have been doing for the past couple of weeks is directly related to the quality of the crew you have working with you. Here in Greensboro we are fortunate to have a group of freelance production people that are second to none. One of these is Phil Allison. I've been working with him for several years and he is as professional as an assistant gets, as well as being a good photographer in his own right. Phil can be reached at 336-253-8277.
Below is the whole crew. (left to right: Joanna (client), Sean (talent), Gail (stylist), Robert (talent), Phil (assistant), Sara (assistant), & Larry (AD/CD)). I'm holding the camera.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Steel Rigging

An out-take from last week's workwear shoot in Greensboro and High Point. We try to put people in realistic situations and in front of realistic backgrounds without jeopardizing safety, safety for our crew and for the actual construction site workers.
Of course, this is what was really going on.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Fashion on the Street in Old Greensboro
Monday, November 17, 2008
Women's Basketball

It's that time of year when college basketball is starting to crank up again, both men's and women's. This image was from the Women's ACC Basketball Tournament from a couple of years ago in Greensboro. UNC versus Miami. And believe me, women's basketball is starting to reach the level of the men's game. I like shooting sports and I do get the occasional game to shoot. Must say I have been run over a couple of times on the baseline. It's always important to shoot with both eyes open.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Hiking in the Rain

Just finished up a week of location photography for a couple of outdoor fashion apparel catalogs. The weather was pretty good for the first couple of days, but went south pretty fast on Thursday and Friday. We were on deadline, so we shot anyway. Note for location shoots. Always have a rain coat and pants, several umbrellas, plastic bags and clean dry cloths on hand at all times. You never know when you might need them.
Next up. Edit approximately 15,000 images.

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Caudle's Mountain

I'm double posting this weekend because I'm supposed to be on location all week, if the weather cooperates. One of the locations will be a local Randolph County landmark, Caudle's Mountain. Located south of Greensboro, Caudle's is a small mountain near Deep River that has been home to the Caudle family and their dairy farm for nearly a hundred years. When I was a small boy, my family bought fertilizer from it's owner and picked apples from the orchard that used to be on top. It is a beautiful place, the closest thing to being in the mountains in piedmont North Carolina. Over the years, the members of the family that ran the farm have died and the dairy is no longer in operation. All of us in the community have wondered what will become of it and wether it will stay a farm or fall under the developer's control. Fortunately, I recently found out that a neighbor has puchased the top of the mountain with plans to put a vineyard there and then place the land with the Piedmont Land Conservancy, where it will be preserved.
New Digital DSLR Camera

I haven't spoken a lot about camera equipment on this blog, because for one thing I don't think it's really important which camera you use. What is important is how you use it and what kind of photographs you produce. I do want to make a couple of comments about a new camera body that is available and how it changes the way I think photographically. Nikon introduced their D3 about a year ago and then recently they brought out the D700. I bought a D700. Both of these cameras bring to digital photography the ability to shoot very good images at very high ISOs.
The D700 allows me to shoot in very low natural light and produce stunning files. It has changed the way I approach things in a positive way. I'm not a tripod kind of guy. I find they slow me down and get in my way. The new camera lets me hand hold situations I could never shoot before. Frees me up to move and explore an image. It also allows me to use the available light more without having to light scenes. Believe me, I have spent almost 30 years lighting images, and there is nothing wrong with artificial lighting done right. But available light can be more natural, more real, and more moving in a photograph. Couple all this with the ability of digital cameras to shoot at variable ISOs on the same card, no longer having to worry much about filtration, and the recent advent of VR or vibration reduction lenses, and we have reached a revolutionary period in low light/available light documentary-style photography.
Photograph is of an old seed cleaner at Julian Milling Company in Julian, North Carolina.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Fall Leaves

I pulled off on the way to work in Greensboro this morning and grabbed a quick shot of a tree I pass every day. The leaves this year are really spectacular around here. Don't know what that means in terms of our upcoming winter. I'm sure the old folks around here can tell me.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Model Headshot
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Family Paparazzi

I am a commercial advertising photographer, not a Paparazzi. I've never quite understood chasing celebrities around to get a shot. This week, I did shoot a job for a inhouse corporate magazine where I followed an employee for a day. She must have felt like I was a Paparazzi because I had my camera in her face all day. She was a good sport about the whole thing.
My family is a different matter sometimes. Growing up with a Dad as a photographer, my kids as well as my wife have always had a camera forced in their face, they are always the standin or the model when I need one. Sunday my wife and I went down to Chapel Hill (home of UNC) to see the kids, and of course I carried a camera. The image above is my Paparazzi shot of the family for the day.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Construction Worker
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