Another year has passed and we are headed into a new one. What will it mean for photography in Greensboro, North Carolina? Guess that’s the big question, at least for me. To be honest, this past year has been pretty rough economically for photography and most other businesses in these parts. Of course, commercial photography is totally dependent on other businesses, so things sometimes compound. 2009 has been a year of low budgets or no budgets for many clients. Photography has become an option for some marketing instead of a necessity. Quality has become less of a key word than the term commodity. Competition for jobs has kept increasing.
What does 2010 have in store for the business of photography in general and for this blog in particular? Lest I dwell too much with what was wrong with the past year, I can honestly say I’m optimistic about the new one, guardedly so, but nonetheless optimistic. I have to be. Photography is my profession, my livelihood, and my passion, and I’m determined to continue in this business. For all you potential clients out there, that means I am open and available for assignments. As for this blog, I intend to try to continue to shoot and post as frequently as I can. I have tried to post daily and share my images and my vision, as it were. Don’t know if I can continue on that schedule, but I will do my darnedest. I can truly say that I enjoy the effort it takes to create new work, and I really think that although the effort hasn’t necessarily created a huge monetary return on my time investment, I think that I am a better photographer than I was before I started posting over a year ago.
I also hope I can begin to understand the phenomena of social networking. I want to figure out if it is truly a way to market myself and disseminate information to a willing group of people, or it’s “the” thing to do at this particular time and will become a way to waste a tremendous amount of time. The jury is still out on that one, although I still have hope.
Happy New Year to each of you. Thanks for letting me share my work with you this year, and may 2010 bring peace, good health and prosperity to us all. Stop by when ever you can.